No one can deny it; flower girls are among the cutest in any wadding. Imagine a Las Vegas wedding with a flower girl who charms the entourage and steels the hearts of the crowd! It looks glorious and magical. But, these little girls have more responsibility than looking cute.

With a typical age ranging from 4 to 9, flower girls precede the bride and bridesmaids holding a basket of petals or confetti, tossing them on the aisle. You may have yours blowing bubbles or holding sparklers if you like. Here is what to look for when choosing one.

Look at the Personality

Because weddings are traditionally filled with unfamiliar and new faces, your young girl can easily feel intimidated, shy, or agitated. For this reason, have a flower girl who is cheerful and is so comfortable around large crowds. Assess her friendliness with other kids and whether she behaves when instructed to do so.

Get One with Experience

Walking down the aisle is nerve-racking not just for adults, but even the little ones. Choosing a flower girl who has already had the experience makes things easier for you. She will be relaxed as she showers your walkway with flowers.

Pick Two for Companionship

Kids value friendship and you can take advantage of this by pairing her with a long-term friend who could be the ring bearer or page boy. The buddy system will focus them on having fun instead of the day’s jitters. In case the girls you are looking at are not friends as yet, you can invite them to bond with your bridesmaids so that they can feel comfortable.

What these little girls do in your wedding will contribute in one way or another to how uniquely special your day will be. Therefore, it is important to love, value, and cherish them to make your day successful.